
Veterans Life Center Receives $300,000 Grant From Kenan Charitable Trust

BUTNER, N.C. – (May 2020)  The Veterans Life Center (VLC), a planned residential facility for 21st-century veterans experiencing problems reintegrating to civilian life, has been awarded a $300,000 grant from the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust.

               The grant will be paid out over three years and is to be used as support to implement VLC’s  Coordinated Care model of services to 21st-century veterans experiencing chronic homelessness and societal reintegration setbacks.

               “The Veterans Life Center is an innovative and much needed facility,” said Douglas C. Zinn, Executive Director of the Charitable Trust.  “The men and women it will care for are true American heroes, who have been underserved by existing programs.They deserve every assistance we can give them.”

Construction of the VLC’s SECU Veterans Residence Building is nearing completion in Butner, NC, and is expected to open once coronavirus restrictions are lifted.  At full capacity, it will provide housing, nutrition, recreation and other services and coordinate therapeutic, counseling and educational programs for approximately 100 at-risk male and female veterans. 

               “The Kenan Charitable Trust has given us valued support us in the past, and we are extremely grateful for this generous new award,” said John Turner, the Iraqi war veteran who founded the Veterans Life Center and now serves as its Senior Advisor.  “On behalf of the men and women we will serve, I want to express our deepest thanks.  This grant will help us help them to find a constructive and personally satisfying role in civil society.”

               BGen (Ret) Thomas A. Gorry, Executive Director of the VLC said the money would be used for implementing the  Coordinated Care program which includes mental, behavioral, and physical health therapy, life skills training,  spiritual and family counseling and vocational education. 

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