Martin D. Woodard
Martin has worked in the behavioral health field for over 30 years. Initially in the US Air Force providing counseling to being handpicked to join the Inspector General’s team traveling throughout Asia inspecting clinics. He was also instrumental in designing the AF’s initial Counselor Certification program.
Upon retirement, he relocated to Raleigh, NC working initially as a Supervisor, to the Director of a hospital treatment center and then the Executive Director of all services until the programs were divested and operated by UNC HealthCare/School of Medicine. Martin continued serving as the Program Director of the residential addiction’s treatment program.
He departed UNC’s School of Medicine to assume the lead role of Project Director at the State Division of MH/DD/SAS as part of a 7.8 million-dollar SAMSHA grant focusing on implementing recovery supports which significantly enhanced treatment and recovery in several counties across the state with a special emphasis on Veterans. In Oct 2019 Martin joined the VLC as their Program Director.