
Salute to NC Veterans

Saturday, January, 5 2013

Veterans Leadership Council of North Carolina-Cares’ first fundraiser raised over $200,000 – a huge success! Governor Pat McCrory’s address to our over 400 attendees was the highlight of the evening. We couldn’t have done this without the help of so many patrons, volunteers, attendee’s and sponsors.

View the many press stories, Governor McCrory’s message and our video message video below.

A Message From Governor McCrory

It is an honor to be with you tonight, in what is my first official public appearance as your new governor. It was important to me to have my first event be associated with the Veterans Leadership Council because North Carolina is known across the country as the most military-friendly state. Traditionally, North Carolina’s governors have been the caretakers of that reputation by standing shoulder to shoulder with our state’s active-duty military and our veterans and I will continue that tradition and will ensure our state’s veterans and military have the support they need, both in Raleigh and in Washington, DC.

Support doesn’t just come from elected officials; it comes from the community, and tonight’s event is a shining example of what can be
accomplished when we work together to support those soldiers who are
coming home from overseas. The money raised from tonight’s event will go
towards a new veteran-operated therapeutic residential facility.

This new facility will assist our state’s homeless veterans, giving them the
skill sets and training they need to become self-reliant , productive and
contributing members of society. This is an incredibly important goal,
and one of my top priorities as Governor will be to help all of our state’s
veterans reconnect with the community and find a great job.

Before the holidays, l had the privilege of touring our state’s military
installations with Governor Perdue. Throughout the tour, l saw first-hand
what makes these installations so special – the people. It is an honor for me
to continue to share the company of such an outstanding group of North
Carolinians once again this evening.

Thank you for your continued support for our veterans and North
Carolina’s strong military tradition.

Pat McCrory

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... and hundreds of caring people like you. THANK YOU!

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